Design for Life on the African Savannah

Living life to the fullest also means expressing the most authentic celebration for the emotion of a goal. When children, teenagers and adults share it, the emotion of some goals is priceless. There are goals in life, like those of Diego Armando Maradona, when 31 years ago he enter football history for two incrible goals, scor against the English team in the quarterfinals of the 86 World Cup in Mexico. The goals scor by Maradona Against the English they had special seasonings not only because they seal the Argentine victory or because Maradona brought up the Malvinas Islands war, but because, one of them, was scor with his hand.

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After the game, journalists ask him if he had scor the first goal with his hand. And on the 10th, consigning his goal to history, he respond that the goal had been legitimate, although perhaps “the hand of God” had help him. Maradona became business email list the best player of his time thanks to that match. Minutes later, he would score one of the most beautiful goals of all time. From the center of the field, the Argentine swept past seven opponents and push the ball to score a wonderful goal. Likewise, goals were shout in other latitudes and at different times. It would be an endless list.

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Among them, Marco Tardelli’s goal against Germany that gave Italy the world championship in 1982. Much closer, the goal that Paolo Guerrero scor against Colombia, which allow Peru to compete in the playoffs and qualify for the 2018 World Cup in Russia . Since I us reason and since ER Lists those incrible feats I have lov soccer because, although there are blows, there are also goals in life . Football is like life: a matter of goals, like what our universal poet, César Vallejo, and the former Uruguayan president, José Mujica, want to convey to us.

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