Ask for permission to use the image

What is responsible marketing? Responsible Ask for permission marketing is the company’s responsible communication, but also the actual actions. In this blog, we tackle the themes of responsible marketing by answering these questions: Why communicate and market about responsibility? How is it done? What is greenwashing and how can you avoid it in your own marketing and communication? Which marketing rules should a

Responsible marketer know and keep

In mind What is the new Omnibus directive and how is it related to the responsible marketing of online stores? How is the data obtaine through advertising handle responsibly How is advertising b2b email list measure responsibly Definition of liability Traditionally, corporate responsibility can be divide into three areas that make up the company’s responsible operations: financial, environmental and social . The corporate responsibility model is divide as follows in the book Corporate social responsibility – What is the question

Economic Profitability competitiveness

b2b email list

Efficiency Meeting the owners’ return expectations Producing the economic well-being of society: cash flow effects  ER Lists and indirect effects Surroundings Protection of water, air and soil Combating climate change Safeguarding biodiversity Efficient and economical use of natural resources Responsibility for the product life cycle and the value chain of the operation Social  Personnel well-being and competence  Product liability and consumer protection  Good operating methods in the company network and in local

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