Google Advertising a Scary Future of High Prices

The prices in this graph compare to the original prices in 2012 . Example: From 2021 to 2022, prices will actually only increase by 44% on average.

If you look back at Google advertising over the past 10 years, you’ll see that the cost per click has risen significantly across a variety of niches.

Looking at this graph, you can see that if you paid for finance keywords in 2012, you’re currently paying approx. The financial sector had the highest year-on-year PPC inflation, averaging 44% over the past 10 years.

If You Pay for Advertising and Send It to a Page

But if people advertise, does it necessarily have to be profitable?
Of course that’s right. CPC inflation occurs because companies bid Whatsapp Data higher than each other on suspended keywords. This also means that it must be profitable for some.

But in 2012, the cost per click was often pennies, there were few competitors in the market, and all of them had high return on advertising.

Back then, it was very easy to outbid one another and still make a high profit. In 2022, there are more competitors than ever before and the prices are starting to get really scary for amateur marketers.

The Future of Digital Marketing Nowadays People

Whatsapp Number List

I created this index that shows the competition in your niche on Google based on annual CPC inflation rates.

Finance is used as an example in this index because it has the highest growth rate EO Leads among the niche markets. This competition index starts at 100 and approaches 0 as the market becomes more competitive. Don’t be confused yet.

Nowadays, people can earn big money without knowing much about small business advertising. This indicates that this market is still untapped and CPC inflation will continue to increase.

But at some point, Google advertising will become a competition for experts only. When we created Theoritentamen in Testenno, it was clear that our competitors were spending a lot of money on advertising, and in fact there was too much for us to compete with.

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