Include Google Analytics in WordPress

Installing Google Analytics in WordPress is essential so you can check your results and make even more strategic decisions. Include Google The GA installation stage sounds like something extremely technical, however, it is simpler than you imagine. As a good Marketing professional would say: ” In God we trust, all the rest bring data !”. Data monitoring and analysis became essential to do a good job in Marketing . Every day you bet on strategies to increase the acquisition of new users on your website or blog and convert that traffic into leads.

What Are Include Google the Advantages of Using Google Analytics

Before starting the step-by-step installation. It is important that you job function email list really understand what Google Analytics is and what its advantages are. In a nutshell, this is a free tool from Google that offers various analysis parameters about your website. Now that you know how essential Google Analytics is for your Marketing operation , follow the step by step below and discover how to install it in WordPress. It is possible to make a conversion funnel , measuring how much financial return an action has brought.

How to Install Google Analytics

After creating an Analytics account, in order for you to ER Lists access your website data you will need to install Google Analytics in WordPress . In this post, we show the two most common ways to install: through a plugin and by inserting the code directly into your WordPress template . If you are looking for a quick and easy integration, the plugin may be the ideal option in this case. However, if you prefer the manual route, we recommend that you notify your developer to ensure a backup of your website.

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