There are portals dedicated

To this type of projects such as epals , an ally of eduteka, iearn , takingitglobal , etc. Dozens of successful cases are presented. For some months now, eduteka has offered a space that facilitates interested teachers in constructing proposals There are portals for collaborative projects ; the invitation to other teachers to participate with their students in the proposed project; the negotiation of adjustments and changes to what was initially proposed; and the subsequent transfer to epals for the training of the entire participating community and to handle all communications related to the execution of the project.

 Administrative meetings the presence

At congress of so many directors and members of iste is used to hold face-to-face meetings of its governing bodies. On this occasion, for the second Qatar Phone Number time, claudia de piedrahita, director of the gabriel piedrahita uribe foundation fgpu, participated, as a member, in the formal meeting of the international committee. Likewise, the fgpu was present at the welcome reception for the international participants. Beyond the power point software for making multimedia presentations has had rapid development in recent years.

 Until recently, there were only a few companies

Providing programs of this type and all the programs they produced had to be installed on personal computers. The current panorama is very different, web . Online applications and services that can be used to create presentations break with the traditional Australia Phone Number List slide schemes and offer high-impact visual elements. This facilitates the development of innovative, clear, effective, creative and motivating multimedia presentations. On the other hand, these online applications and services add a new concept to the equation: social interaction.

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