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Advertisements How to change PHP version? The positive news is that we do not nee any experience or programming knowlege to set up PHP and thus enjoy an even faster website. Changing the version is very simple and requires literally clicks in the customer panel. The entire operation will take no more than seconds! When changing the PHP version, the only problem we may encounter is file incompatibility. There is a high probability that our website has scripts written according to the standards of previous versions and therefore will not work on PHP. 

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In such a case, it is enough to return to the previous version – in most cases, the system will restore the working website without the nee to manually restore the backup. Step Go to and log in photo editor to the client panel, and then in the “Advance options” tab , click on the “Select PHP version” option PHP hosting panel Step Select from the “PHP Version checkbox and click the “Set current” button php version change. What’s new in PHP . As we mentione at the beginning, the PHP update brings a number of changes.

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This release includes a completely new Gutenberg eitor, which ends the previous era of content creation in WordPress. Now everything has to be simpler, less distracting and – most importantly – more functional. Functionality is the key word of this article. As far as she’s concerne, the Gutenberg eitor is a huge step forward. It uses a new block system ER Lists enabling more advance content eiting. It also gives great flexibility in its arrangement, thanks to which we can create extensive subpages and entries in a few minutes – by dragging ready-made elements in the visual eitor. wordpress update Indee.

Author: a4m4z

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