Brands Have Many Tools At Their Disposal

All you have to do is adapt your editorial line to this target. Little attached to traditional media, young people use social networks to communicate, get information (eg Le Figaro ) and discover brands. This is therefore an opportunity to give visibility to yours, but also to increase your notoriety with this public. As Michel and Augustin do , Snapchat can allow you to show behind the scenes of a company, all the human part that hides behind a sign.

To Be Creative Whether Using Direct

By using Snapchat, you will unite a young community around your brand. It’s up to you to play skillfully with Snapchat’s codes and database functions. Be creative in your content and in the way you solicit your subscribers. Offer exclusivity and promotional offers, but in a fun, offbeat and interactive way. If you don’t master Snapchat or lack creativity, you can always use our talented Snapchatters! Contact us and we will study the strategy together.Year after year, the digital revolution takes place and fits into all sectors, and real estate is no exception: although very distinct.


Messages Stories Live Geofilters Or Discover

The two worlds merge in order to offer customers an ever more modern user experience and adapted to the profiles of new buyers in 2017. From a screen, it is now possible to geolocate the properties, to visit them, to know the real estate rating ER Lists of the district, and even to visualize the housing once renovated and furnished. While we can now do almost everything remotely, real estate players will have to show initiatives on the digital side in order to stand out in the coming year.

Author: a4m4z

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