VX Comunicação was once again in the press! Now with the announcement of the arrival of Carol Lobianco to the management team. Check out the news published by journalist and publicist Marcio Ehrlich, from the Janela Publicitária website. Art director Carolina Lobianco started in June at the VX agency, as a communication manager. Carol has been at Sides since 2021, as a creative coordinator.aligning expectations and creating true unity between processes? Firstly, it is essential that both areas have a unique CRM – Customer Relationship Management environment. Teams must have recurring alignments (weekly, preferably) so that business objectives are understood and achieved.

And now she will coordinate the digital area of ​​the creation

The new agency, while the current manager, Marcos Sasso, will be in charge of off-the-shelf advertising. “Having a professional Carolina’s experience on Betting Email List our team is the guarantee of further improving creative deliveries and SLAs, preparing the entire structure to scale and grow without losing our DNA and commitment to customers”, comments Leonardo Ciannella, CEO of VX, about the arrival of the new manager.How important is the Bowie Agency to integrate digital marketing and sales actions? Having a Digital Marketing Agency like Bowie to integrate digital marketing and sales actions can be a valuable resource for companies that want to get better results. The culture of “internalizing areas” is common in Brazil and in our 10 years of experience we have observed that it makes results difficult.

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Than twenty years in the market, Lobianco is from Rio de Janeiro, graduated in communication from PUC-Rio and with an MBA in marketing from FGV, where she also ER Lists took a master’s degree in Cultural Assets and Social Projects. She started her career at DPZ, working at Agência3, Artplan, Layout and Oslo, before joining Sides. And in parallel with her creative activity, she taught classes on advertising at Estácio and ESPM graduations. “When I entered the market, everything was still on paper, we printed things. Advertising has gone through a revolution and VX is already that change. Create a feedback culture What are the ideal leads for your company? Do you have a defined strategic plan? How were the meetings with the Sales Team? Were the leads cold or were they worth it? Having answers about the results achieved.

Author: a4m4z

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