campaigns Mailchimp’s email blog works alongside the customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing products that Mailchimp offers, including email campaigns, landing pages, marketing automation, and sign-up forms. The blog offers tips, strategies, and insights on how to build an email list and nurture subscribers with compelling content, right in their inboxes. Read more: What Is Email Marketing? And How to Do It 9. Marketing strategy blog: Marketing Profs Good for.
Matt Damon’s Customer Awareness company water.
Professionals seeking thoughtful analysis on marketing strategy Marketing Profs features a comprehensive, searchable database of articles that analyze marketing strategy. This blog focuses on broad tips and implications surrounding the latest B2B marketing approaches, as written by actual marketing professionals. In addition to long-form articles, Marketing Profs offers training, on-demand latest database master classes, and individual consulting services. Read more: Marketing Strategy: What It Is and How to Create One 10. Marketing consultant blog: Neil Patel’s Blog Good for: Business owners seeking effective marketing blog tips If you are looking to build your own marketing blog, Neil Patel’s blog serves as both an effective model and a place for experience-base tips. Patel, a marketing professional and influencer, uses this personal blog to
Social meia platforms offer plenty of built-in
promote his consultant business by showcasing his expertise. In doing that, he offers tips on his favorite business and marketing tools, how-to guides, and ER Lists explainers. Whether you’re looking to benefit from his tips or take inspiration from his blog as you launch your own, Neil Patel’s blog could be a good starting point. What to look for in a marketing blog As you continue to explore the marketing industry, you will likely come across many blogs, in addition to the ten we’ve outline in this article. It’s a good idea