Instagram and youtube: company size matters online advertising message small. Meium and large companies are increasingly social more and more . Companies are investing in digital and entrusting their visibility to social meia! Among the strongest platforms are instagram and youtube which. With pinterest. Are the social visuals par excellence! What is the reason that drives companies to choose these digital platforms to be online? The fact that these are highly followe social meia sites? Imitate competitors who have had an instagram and youtube channel for some time? These are not the right reasons to decide which social channels to invest in. Every decision is personal and must be made base on your business model!
To decide between Instagram and Youtube
You have to start from your company and its peculiarities! To decide between instagram and youtube. Consider size speaking of company-specific features. Take size into latest database consideration! What type of company is yours? Is it an sme. A meium or large company? Why is this detail important? Because it affects the budget to be allocate to digital investments: therefore. It is a fundamental detail! It is clear to everyone that a small company has a small spending capacity . While a meium or large company has greater economic possibilities . This aspect is decisive in choosing which social meia to invest in.
Youtube for medium and large companies
Because it helps to choose between instagram and youtube or both social meia. Instagram. The social network for small businesses ER Lists for a small company with little . .Capital to spend on advertising. The most suitable solution is to open an instagram business page. Obviously ours is a general discussion: nothing . Prevents a small business from integrating instagram and youtube into its marketing strategy! It is true. However. That a youtube channel is more expensive! If your goal is to gain visibility . But you don’t have a lot of money to invest in advertising campaigns. Choose instagram: between photos. Videos. Gifs. Effects. Filters. Stories and the right hashtags. You will be able to achieve a fair amount of notoriety without advertising.