See how started to hit all sales targets with the consultancy DNA de for Small

Searching for knowledge is essential for any manager who wants to enhance the results of his company. With that in mind, Marry Melo, DronEng’s commercial director, did not hesitate to seek help from the consultancy firm DNA de Vendas for Small. Despite using automation tools, having some sales funnels and a process, she felt she needed something more consistent. Mary wanted her own sales methodology and better results. With the help of DNA for Small, they’ve been able to improve their sales process and hit every monthly target ever since. Want to know how this was possible? Then follow this successful case ! Who is DronEng? DronEng is a drone and engineering education company.

Through online and face-to-face courses they teach the

Public the fundamentals of photogrammetry, the science behind aerial mapping, and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) aerial training. Mary says that since the beginning the company has had an educational vein. They grew up building informative content for the public, teaching Construction Email List Construction Email List drone surveying technology to engineers and other market professionals. Today, they offer courses in topography, image processing, image pricing and others. When did DronEng realize it needed help? DronEng wanted to grow. Marry remembers that when she joined the company, they used automation software and did some sales methods, but it wasn’t solid. For her, it was a big problem that each seller had their own methodology, after all, that would make the sale dependent on each person. Another issue Mary wanted to address was the lack of clarity in the company’s performance.

Job Function Email Database

There was a sales target but no one knew exactly what to do

The exact role and activities of each employee. Despite experience in other segments, sales was not Marry’s area of ​​expertise. Noticing this gap and the lack of structure in DronEng’s commercial area, it began to consume content to find out what could be done. “It was during that ER Lists study period that I discovered Lúcia’s work (CEO and co-founder of DNA de Vendas). So, I went to the RD Summit together with the company and there I did the Sales track, which was what I most needed to learn”, recalls Marry. The lectures and the study showed the importance of well-defined processes for the success of a company, in addition to pointing out that sales results are obtained from analytical and numerical work, that is, it is not something occasional. Thus began the partnership between DronEng and DNA de Vendas for Small.

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