Goods and acquiring customers Below are

Spee ​​recruitment shortens the recruitment process. And although during such a meeting it is not possible to get to know the candidate (his knowlege and competences) as well as, for example, using the gamification method in recruitment , a clear trend in qualifying dating in Poland can be notice. Everything is cause by the constantly developing market and the search for new, non-standard forms of reaching candidates. The company that was one of the first to introduce spee recruitment is Nokia. Already in 2016, the brand declare that it had been using qualifying dates for many months.

A handful of methods for solving

Her idea was to organize meetings at Polish universities, during which candidates’ basic knowlege was teste. People who successfully passe the first stage were invite for a 90-minute interview. Does Nokia still practice spee recruitment? Yes. In 2021, she focuse Latest Mailing Database on online recruitment (several-minute technical conversations with engineers from Nokia, which gave a chance to receive an invitation to a regular interview). An example is the meetings in February and April concerning work in Bydgoszcz and the talks in May, the subjects of which were positions in Wrocław.

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Problems in a non profit organization

The advantage of Nokia’s recruitment process is feeback, even in the event. The final rejection of a given candidate’s application. Feeback identifies areas in which the participant cope the worst and requires training, and thus gives him ER Lists a chance to better prepare for future recruitment. The brand for the first time conducte recruitment on the basis of spee dating in 2015. An additional goal of spee recruitment was to show candidates what everyday life in the company looks like, what employees do, what they are passionate about and what they don’t like. Capgemini, which also considers spee recruitment to be a good recruitment method, has prepare.

Author: a4m4z

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