Understand how Hydra changed from Field Sales to Inside Sales and doubled its monthly revenue

Would you be willing to change your strategy to profit more? The cosmetics company Hydra realized that shifting from field sales to inside sales would lower the company’s CAC and increase its sales productivity. But, at the same time, they had doubts about how to do this without jeopardizing the progress of the business. It was then that she sought help from DNA de Vendas for Small and managed not only to implement a new methodology, but also to achieve other surprising results: 100% increase in customer loyalty; increase 20% of new customers; double your monthly billing. To find out how this was possible, follow another successful case of DNA for Small! Who is Hydra.

As the name implies Hydra is a cosmetics company

Located in Juazeiro, in the interior of Bahia. Initially, the business came up with just 4 hair care products. As time went by and the team matured, the portfolio grew, until today they have articles for all hair needs. For the future, plans are for expansion: they want to move away from the Building Construction and General Contractors Email Lists hair products label and become more plural, as they intend to operate in other cosmetics segments. They act as a B2B2C company. Although they have an e-commerce and direct sales, the focus is on reselling their products in cosmetics stores and pharmacies. Hydra’s proposal is not just to deliver a product, but to provide support and create strategies so that the sale takes place more quickly and generates financial returns for its partners. What was Hydra’s difficulty? Over time, Hydra realized that having commercial representatives on its team was not the best sales methodology for that business.

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Managing director of the company says that they started to consider

Some questions, such as: are they using a speech aligned with our principles?; how to know if the sales pitch is being really effective?; how to ensure that our products are being prioritized over others? Added to this, maintaining a team of external salespeople was no longer being ER Lists financially sustainable. After all, in addition to contractual expenses, they also needed to cover travel expenses to other cities and states. It was then that they began to search for options. They needed more wholesale sales results at the lowest cost and most control over operations. “I started researching alternatives, then I saw that the inside sales method was already very common in the United States and that some companies in Brazil were already successfully applying it. A company that inspired me a lot at the time was Ocean Drop” , says Maxwell. The method promised to bring all the benefits they were looking for at the time: lower CAC, improve the sales cycle and ensure the company’s revenue predictability.

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