It’s not what sells it’s the experience that surrounds it

Although the product is essential within your company’s value proposition, it is not the only relevant thing. More important than what you sell is how you sell it . It’s not The how refers to all the aspects that complement the customer experience. The product is just the tip of the iceberg. If what your customers sell can also be found elsewhere, more or less similar, that is when you should make the most effort to amplify the experience, seeking to make it the reason why your customers will prefer you. That is, they don’t buy from you (only) for the product, but (especially) for the experience. Sushi restaurant entertainment in a city there are a large number of sushi restaurants, each with its own style, seeking to differentiate itself.

Sushi restaurant entertainment

The menu and the dishes they offer may be an alternative, but usually they all offer the same options. The variations are minimal. Why then would a customer choose one place over another? In the case of this restaurant, for the entertainment . The product executive data is of course the main component, but it is the magic around it that really creates a completely different and attractive experience for a certain segment of customers who appreciate it. Every interaction and part of the process is an event .of course the product must be good (if the basics don’t work, the details don’t make you fall in love), but it is what each person experiences that makes the experience memorable and that there is an argument for differentiation.

Can it make your business more entertaining?

Can it make your business more entertaining? This example does not only apply to restaurants, it applies to any business. Because regardless of what you sell, we are all in the entertainment business .It’s not  See beyond the simple functionality of the product and ER Lists move to the experience it represents for your customers .The market is so large and diverse that i consider it in two types of clients: “fast food” restaurants without leaving aside the quality of the product for a type of client whose time is valuable, perhaps the robot that serves can fit there. Restaurants attended by clients who want to be served by a person who suggests the dish of the day to enjoy a meal (alone or with the family) without any type of time pressure.

Author: a4m4z

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