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Just remember that he will not advise you in areas relate to the local market or customer habits, because he simply does not know them. Gastronomy consulting as an element of effective marketing Most people do not realize that gastronomic consulting is also an effective element of the marketing strategy. A clear example may be the recommendation of famous chefs after the restaurant change according to their idea in a TV show. How many people will come to such a place just because they will be curious what the expert has brought. We recommend Price positioning – how to build it? Another example is a beer blogger who, after years in the industry.

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Advises young people who want to open a brewery. He posts a video with a report from the brewery or with his observations, and thus builds his position as an expert. Thanks to this, they can appear in the minds of tens of thousands of viewers whatsapp mobile number list of the channel intereste in beer. When an expert advises you on how to change the design or logo, treat it as ready-made content for the website. Brainstorming over cards full of ideas is a very grateful material for a company profile. If you are curious how such food marketing looks like in practice.

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We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the case-studies on our website. We recommend Valentine’s photo culinary session of Dwór Korona Karkonoszy How to choose a gastronomic consultancy? At first, it may be difficult to define the ER Lists very concept of gastronomic consulting. Sanitary regulations, culinary art and interior design are such different areas, and this is just the beginning of the list of what a restaurateur must take care of. That’s why you nee, above all, someone who knows this business from the practical side and has gone through all its stages himself. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a loud, expressive name.

Author: a4m4z

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