Success story how built a sales area from scratch and managed to get through the crisis

The market instability caused by the Covid-19 crisis left many managers without ground, after all, it was a very sudden change that was not in anyone’s planning! Faced with this, it was necessary to have flexibility and a lot of market vision to find quick solutions and try to avoid the negative consequences. It was in this crisis condition that Fernando Viana, managing partner of Viapark Urbanismo, found himself. With few leads and a low number of sales , he decided to internalize the commercial processes and start a new moment for the company with the help of DNA de Vendas for Small . In an interview, he told us about the process and the results obtained during and after the consulting period. Check out another DNA for Small success story ! Who is Viapark Urbanismo? Viapark Urbanismo is a family business based in the city of Itararé, in São Paulo. They work with the development of urban allotment projects, aligning infrastructure, green areas, accessible location and leisure for its residents.

With an innovative product in the region they currently have four

Subdivisions and a shopping center with complete infrastructure for sale. With the pandemic, Viapark Urbanismo needed to create its own commercial area Before DNA, Viapark Urbanismo did not have a sales area. To prospect and approach leads , they outsourced the service to real estate agencies . However, with the pandemic and the instability of the real estate market in 2020, they saw results drop Finance and Banking Email List dramatically. The solution found was to internalize this demand and build a commercial area for the business. At that moment, of course, a lot of study was necessary, after all, building a commercial area requires well-established processes, sales professionals who understand the funnel and prospecting, approach and conversion techniques, in addition to K P Is that bring greater understanding of the results and sales strategy. For this reason, the leaders of Viapark Urbanismo consumed various contents focused on the theme. One of them was a webinar made by DNA de Vendas, with our CEO, Lucia Haracemiv. From then on, they consumed other courses available on our platform, until they chose to complete a training course for their team.

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However together with DNA for Small professionals they realized that

Build a commercial area, training people would be just one of the steps. For the problem in question, the best investment to reap results would be a commercial consultancy. And so we started this project! How did the consulting process with DNA happen? Over six months of virtual meetings, DNA consultants and Viapark leaders got together to structure a very high-performance sales area. As the project ER Lists started practically from scratch, the diagnosis phase consisted of analyzing the results previously obtained, some processes that Viapark carried out after receiving these leads and the objectives and goals that the leaders wanted to achieve with this area. After these analyses, DNA consultants merged the particularities.

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