Why make internship your top priority?

The first step to attending any job fair involves polishing up an existing resume. If a student has not been active in the job market. Their resume may require some updates to reflect new credentials, educational achievements or even part-time employment. Students may find it beneficial to ask an instructor to review their resume prior to the fair to ensure. It’s well targeted to the industry and Why make position they’re seeking.
On the day of the fair, students should print out several copies of their resume to leave. With each employer.
Carrying these in a folder, along with other important documents. A notebook and a pen will enable students to present themselves in an organized fashion.

Practice an introductory pitch

Students will often have a minute or two to introduce themselves to employers at a fair. They can make the most of this short time by rehearsing what they company data want to say. An essential pitch includes a brief, personal introduction, an overview of skills, along with a sentence or two about a student’s career goals.
Next, students will often be able to display the documents they have brought with them, and take a recruiter through their resume verbally. As part of their preparation, students should plan to give an example of each attribute listed on their resume. 

Prepare a list of questions Why make

Career fairs present a unique opportunity versus traditional job applications. Students will be able to speak with recruiters directly and ask any questions they have prior to an official interview. Preparing these ER Lists questions in advance is important to getting the most out of each interaction.
Students will want to avoid asking simple questions that they can find the answers to on a company’s website.
Author: a4m4z

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