13 ideas for change management and leadership

Although Aristotle could not read the Guide to Managing Change in Business he said that it is easier to manage slaves than free men. Or put another way, that managing people and organizations is very difficult and that the objective is not to leave Change Management the comfort zone but to make it bigger . If you were the President of the Government, what would you propose to increase motivation and innovation in your own company? What leadership would you take to improve employability, education and global problems in the world, starting with your organization?

The problems are global but the opportunities are too

In the words of Vincent Massey, economists are company data good cartographers but bad pilots. Although the great experts in economics and globalization explain better than they predict, the historical change underway opens up immense opportunities. We no longer sell or offer something only to our neighbor in the village or city or country: we can offer it, without a titanic effort, to any inhabitant of the planet. Our children have and will have many more opportunities than we had, but what they do not have is the adequate training to perceive and take advantage of those opportunities , nor the political, economic and cultural framework to stimulate them.

Change Management for Education does not inspire

To paraphrase Einstein, an inevitable ER Lists classic when a concept must be cited or illustrated, it is a miracle that curiosity survives conventional education. William Arthur Ward delves into the problem with this well-known and accurate idea: The mediocre teacher says; the good teacher, he explains; the superior teacher, he demonstrates; the great teacher, he inspires. Felipe González had many teachers but as ‘teachers worthy’ of that name he only remembers two. He says that, on a visit to Helsinki, he asked a Finnish Government assistant who was accompanying him why she opted for a diplomatic career. She answered something revealing, without any hint of irony.

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