According to the World Health Organization. Infertility means that both men and women have healthy life after marriage. And no contraceptive measures have been taken for more than one year in the process. And the pregnancy has not been successful. According to a medical survey, women account for 40%, men 30% – 40%. And men and women 10% – 20% of the infertility causes.
Studies have shown that there are many factors causing infertility, such as endometriosis, immune factors, male sperm dysfunction, female follicular dysplasia, pelvic occult diseases, uterine diseases, and so on. Among these factors, endometriosis plays an important role.
Heart of infertile women
Endometriosis is a common disease in women of childbearing age, which seriously affects the quality of life and the incidence rate is increasing year by year. The incidence rate of endometriosis is 5%-20%, which is closely related to infertility. It has become one of the crucial company data causes of female infertility.
According to statistics, 30% to 50% of women with endometriosis have infertility, and the probability of infertility is 6-8 times higher than that of normal women.
Reasonably Choosing laparoscopic
With the development of treatment methods, the current treatment of endometriosis is mainly through drug treatment, surgical treatment, IVF and so on.
Drug treatment – including antibiotic and traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Common antibiotics include oral contraceptives, progesterone, androgen, gonadotropin-releasing ER Lists hormone receptor agonists and antagonists, etc.. They can alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients with endometriosis. However, there are many adverse reactions, and they can not effectively improve the pregnancy rate.