Measures to improve the energy behavior of businesses and companies

This will achieve a scalable company, but without having to bear in the early stages the unnecessary cost of having an unnecessary structure. Based on Blank’s ideas, Eric Ries perfected this methodology for years, publishing its final version in the book The lean startup method (2008) . A startup or an initial business is not yet a company, but a temporary organization subject to great uncertainty whose objective is none other than to find a viable and scalable business model through a series of experiments. It proposes testing the starting hypotheses Measures to through the following Steps:

The first thing that an entrepreneur

Must keep in mind is that searching for an investor is only one possibility. But not the only one. The main source of financing is his clients. The money they pay him. As Henry Ford used to say, factories are financed by the shop floor. Not by the banks. Didn’t I already give you money for a company data startup last week?” Professor John Mullins, from the London Business School. Has identified and analyzed the five main financing formulas for clients. Financing by clients (1). Payment in advance .

This method of financing Measures to

Has been applied by large companies, from Dell to travel companies, or more recently by coupon and offer websites such as Groupon, Grupalia or Offrerum, in which the customer ER Lists buys today a product or service that they will consume sometimes. months later. Financing by clients (2). Subscription. The customer agrees to purchase a product or service that will be delivered repeatedly over a long period of time. 

Author: a4m4z

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