The hospitality industry is the most inefficient sector

A radical example could be the musician. Who records and then sells one of his concerts on CD. This strategy of closing a first contact with a customer and then selling. A modified The hospitality version of the product to a larger audience can work in small companies. Such as Microsoft when Bill Gates closed a contract with IBM to supply. It with an operating system. All of these business models, And others with a similar orientation. In the sense of using one’s own resources.

Its advantages are obvious

Spend a lot of time talking to clients. To find out if they really have the problem that has been assumed and how they have been alleviating. Avoiding or solving it themselves until now executive data Create a first minimum viable product with. Repeatedly use the product to validate the proposed situation and if the client is willing to pay for it. The objective is to know when to persevere or when to correct the business model.

The hospitality Told this way

It seems easier than it is , as shown by the fact that 90 percent of digital startups. Fail in their first three years of life and that of the remaining 10 percent that survive. The startup ER Lists would now be in a position to seek the support of investors, if necessary. The five formulas for financing your business by clients. A good business can be started without having to resort to investors. Financing itself through the clients themselves . 

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